SATO SMSF administration® is the preferred choice amongst trustees for the annual administration and compliance of their funds, for good reasons. Our professional fees are transparent and disclosed from the start. To further assist trustees in estimating the compliance cost of running self managed superannuation, investments are grouped into the following categories for ease of reference. Our base fee of $1,200 (GST inclusive) includes up to 16 investments* from any of the following:
Cash & Term Deposits;
International Shares;
Exchange Traded Funds;
Managed investments;
Residential investment property;
Overseas investment properties;
Precious Metals;
Commercial Properties;
Unit Trusts;
Gold Bullion; &
Foreign Exchange.
Multiple accounts – if you hold shares e.g. ANZ shares in both accumulation and pension accounts, it will be counted as two investments.
Domsestic | Investments – ASX listed shares, debentures & bonds, cash account, managed investments | $33 |
Derivatives – calls and put options | $44 | |
Private Companies | $220 | |
Residential property investment (without borrowing arrangement) | $198 | |
Residential property investment (with limited recourse borrowing arrangement) | $330 | |
Commercial property (without limited recourse borrowing arrangement) | $330 | |
Commercial property (with limited recourse borrowing arrangement) | $440 | |
In-house assets | $198 | |
Gold Bullion | $44 | |
Artworks | $55 | |
Precious Metals | $77 | |
Unit Trust | $220 | |
Plant & Equipment leased on arm’s length basis | $77 | |
Derivatives account – options, futures, contract for difference (CFD) | $198 | |
International | Overseas Investments – Publicly listed shares, debentures & bonds | $77 |
Overseas Investments – Non publicly listed shares, debentures & bonds | $220 | |
Overseas residential property investment (without borrowing arrangement) | $330 | |
Overseas residential property investment (with limited recourse borrowing arrangement) | $445 | |
Day Traders ** | Both domestic and overseas investments | POA |
Notes: The number of investments held at end of financial year 30th June may be less than the number of investments held at the start of the same financial year. SATO SMSF Administration professional fees schedule is based on the number of investments held during the financial year. While self managed super funds are non reporting entities, the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) reporting requirements may still need to be observed. For example, the purchase of Westpac banking shares may result in dividends being received, bonus issues, corporate announcements, and unrealised profits which need to be reported. All of which have taxation implications which needs to be accounted for and disclosed. While trustees are in effect reported to themselves, government agencies rely on data collected from self managed super funds to guide and formulate their policies.
* Should the fund be wound up during the financial year and all investments are sold, our professional fees will still be based on the actual number investments held throughout the financial year. This is reflective of the time spent processing each transaction which includes dividends issued and investments sold etc.
** Day traders are distinguished from investors. Investors adopt a buy and hold strategy. Day traders may purchase and sell the same investment on numerous occasions throughout the financial year. For example, buying and selling Westpac shares on multiple occasions in 12 months, or display a history of “churning” through transactions. If the self managed super has been established for this primary objective, please give our office a call for a confidential discussion.
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