Our Refund Policy
SATO SMSF Administration® strives to be transparent in all our engagement with stakeholders. It is our policy to provide a full refund for services engaged in, that have not yet been performed. A refund will be provided upon written request reduced by the cancellation fee. Once our service level agreement has been completed – for example by way of dissemination of soft copies (PDF) – no refund will be provided from that point onward. Where errors or omissions have been detected, SATO SMSF Administration® will gladly amend those errors or omissions at no additional charges.
SMSF Establishment Package
Once a soft copy (PDF) of the SMSF trust deed along with associated documentation has been disseminated by way of email, the work is deem to have been completed. The service level agreement is deemed to have been fulfilled. A refund will not be provided by SATO SMSF Administration after this point. Where a mistake or omission has been detected, SATO SMSF Administration will endeavour to amend these errors at no additional cost to the client. Where a client subsequently wish to amend the superannuation trust deed – by replacing a member, adding a new member or changing the structure of the fund then a new application form needs to be completed. A full price of $295 will be applicable with the requested amendment. The amendment will include an upgrade to the SMSF trust deed and other legal documentation to effect the necessary change.
Annual Accounting & Taxation Services
Where the annual administration service has commenced but not yet finalized, SATO SMSF Administration will charge a cancellation fee on $295 (inclusive of GST). This is to cover administrative duties such as bank fees, reissuing of new invoice and general administration costs, and correspondence with clients. This is a reflection of time spent just to prepare the file. Where the SMSF administration service has been completed – annual accounts, tax return and audit program finalised – but not yet lodged with the ATO, no refund will be issued past this point.
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